Tasty Tuesday {minus the tasty!}

Day 10 of my 30 day cleanse.

Day 2 of the first of 2 deep cleanses during the 30 days.

My capacity to think about cooking is diminished because this kicking sugar gig is tricky. The cleanse I’m doing hasn’t left me overly hungry {on the regular days that is – these deep cleanse days are harder}.

At least today is the first double digit day. One third of the way there. It’s also the first day of a week of vacation, although this vacation will unfortunately not include all the food and gin o’clock I would normally enjoy. Lucky the weather is so gorgeous!

Back to regular programming next week. When I can hopefully look at food without wanting to dive head first into a vat of melted chocolate?


What’s in your smoothie mumma? Can I have some?

One Comment Add yours

  1. Smoothie! GAH! That is not a yummy doggie treat, at all!

    Love and licks,

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