Selling my soul

I have spent every available moment in the last few days sorting through all of the clothes and toys Bubba has grown out of.

There have been tears.

All of this was necessary to reclaim some space in our home – but I have been putting it off because it is also facing the reality that Bubba is my one and only. Even though I had hoped I would meet someone in the first couple of years of her life and could try again, that hasn’t happened. Oh sure I will meet someone I’m sure – but the having another baby part probably not.

So here I am today, set up and ready to sell at a local baby and kids market.

Lucky my sister is with me, or I might not actually let anyone buy Bubba’s lovely things.

I feel like I am selling my soul … and pieces of my heart!


7 Comments Add yours

  1. Don’t be sad. You’ll probably have a boy next time, anyway! šŸ˜‰

  2. momshieb says:

    The only thing that made me feel better when I let go of those baby blankets and sleepers was the thought of another little one wrapped in all that warmth!

  3. Victoria says:

    It’s just stuff. It’s not your soul or pieces of your heart. That still belongs to the cute girl in the header. She will grow out of more and more stuff. I don’t discount how hard it’s been for you, hoping think of it as just stuff might help

  4. Marnie Bateman says:

    I was so happy to come across your table at the market today, I was the pregnant one expecting in jan who along with my mum, bought half of your gorgeous 0-3 months baby clothes. You and your sister have such great taste in clothes!! I could have bought EVERYTHING! My hubby loved it all too. So that part of your soul you felt like you were sellings will soon become part of mine and my yet to be born baby girl, thank you.

    1. I’m so glad you wrote, I was talking with my sister about you after the market, saying I wish you’d taken it all (because I knew it was going to be treasured). Keep me posted – I’d love to know when your love bug arrives and what you call her! x

  5. Amy Putkonen says:

    I like Victoria’s reply. Yes, that little sweetie is your treasure – not her stuff.

    1. Of course she is – my most treasured of treasures – but I can’t help but think it’s all part of her!

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