About Mumma

{Edit August 2019}
Our planet is in dire need of us changing our ways – with the climate crisis worsening daily. PLEASE lessen your impact on the earth by eating less meat {ideally none!}, become involved with local communities around acting on behalf of the planet and those we share it with. It is becoming increasingly obvious that governments around the world are apathetic at best. If you have a chance to vote, please consider the impact of your vote. For you, for your children, for your grandchildren, for the environment and for the voiceless. We are running out of time so we must all act. Waiting for someone else to ‘do something’ just isn’t going to cut it!

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Mumma to Poppy Grace born January 2011 {aka Bubba, Love Bug or Princess P}; forever friend to my furry rescue loves Bella {OTRB 16 March 2017}, Beary {OTRB 25 August 2023} and Harry; enjoy spending time with family and friends, find cooking therapeutic {I’m a plant-based foodie}; I think reading a real book with pages is the ultimate in relaxation; I believe in magic; love restoring old pieces of furniture; and in my down time {ha ha} when my brain is too tired from all of the above, I admit to watching a little bad television.

I try to perform one random act of kindness each day and wish more people would learn a lesson in unconditional love and acceptance from our 4-legged furry friends; I am an advocate for the voiceless so I’ll share my thoughts about animal related issues from time to time. Don’t shop for pets, adopt them! If you’re considering a furry family member please rescue one!

If you’re new to our blog, this is where you should start – at the very beginning.

bumpyroadtobubba is my journey to and experience of motherhood: single by chance, mumma by choice.

I’ll share the realities of being a single mumma who works full-time, while trying to spend as much time with my three gorgeous kids as possible. I’ll share my recipies {and occasionally those of others.} We are vegan and try to eat clean and have organic fresh produce in our diet.

Having said that, I am a mumma who loves her chocolate and a large glass of Pinot. Or two.

Mostly, I’ll share me. Sometimes I’m really funny {at least my sister thinks so!} and sometimes on the bumpy days I’m a little sad. Almost all of the time I could do with a week on a beach catching up on sleep under the shade of a palm tree – with the occasional wake up for a tasty cocktail or dip in the ocean.

I’m hoping my Prince Charming gets his GPS fixed and finds me soon. Aside from all the obvious reasons, I’m kind of sick of taking out the trash and changing light bulbs. Oh, and getting rid of spiders. *shudders*

46 Comments Add yours

  1. Jaclyn Rae says:

    Poppy Grace– what a beautiful name! Congratulations 🙂

  2. Bassas Blog says:

    I love your blog and have given it the Liebster Award. You deserve many more!!
    This is the link to my post announcing the awards 🙂 http://bassasblog.wordpress.com/2011/11/20/liebster/

  3. Bassas Blog says:

    I have dropped by to let you know that I have awarded your blog the Kreativ Blogger Award. Congratulations!

    This is the link to my post announcing the award:

  4. bonesdiary says:

    Hi, I’m noticed you said on the collies of the meadow site that you don’t read my blog….and why not? hehehe. I’m glad I found yours though. Lets be friends.
    Love Bones

    1. Hi Bones, nice to meet you! As mentioned in my comment over at the Collies, we went straight from there to your blog, did some reading then hit “follow”. We’re glad my blogging friends have such good taste and we’re looking forward to sharing your adventures! Mumma, Bubba, Bella & Beary xx

  5. jaymers says:

    I think you deserve an award today! I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. You can find out the details here: http://versatilebloggeraward.wordpress.com/ or click over to my site to learn about it. http://mominfortcollins.wordpress.com/2012/03/01/a-sweet-nod-the-versatile-blogger-award/
    Most of all, thank you for being a lovely writer whom I admire!

    1. Wow! Thank you so much. That’s cheered up my morning 🙂

  6. Rebecca Johnson says:

    I’m really enjoying reading your blog. having a cheeky 3yr old and a precious little bub i can take great comfort in being able to relate to some of your blogs and look forward to joining you on this crazy journey we call motherhood 🙂 p.s you’ve inspired me to start a journal so i can read back and remember how blessed my life is.

    1. thanks for sharing our journey + I’m so pleased to have inspiredyou in some little way!

  7. Bassas Blog says:

    Hi Mumma, Bubba, Bella and Bear. I have passed on the Very Inspiring Blogger Award to you 🙂 This is the link to the award post: http://bassasblog.wordpress.com/2012/06/05/the-meaning-of-joy/

    1. Wow, thank you our lovely friends! Mumma is a little behind in responding to a cuople of awards we’ve very graciously received of late. She promises to do that soon. Bubba, Bella & Beary x

  8. Louise says:

    hi, I have just read your entire blog which I found out about on MM, but can’t find any posts about how it all started….. Did you get a donor or was it a friend? Hope you don’t mind me asking. But it’s given me a lot to think about… I’d so love to be a mother and, like you, I have two furry girls who I absolutely adore – Leisel and Harriet West Highland White Terriers. But I’d love a baby girl.

    Best wishes

    Louise xx

    1. https://bumpyroadtobubba.com/2011/02/23/sperm-costs-how-much/

      Wow, that’s a lot of reading in one day! Maybe I should write a book 🙂 Bubba is a donor baby – I used an American donor not known to me. These really early posts talk about my two attempts, the different donors and the little mix up at the clinic when they didn’t order the right one!! I’m absolutely happy to chat more about it – so ask away. Thank you for sharing our story. I hope it inspires you, that’s why I started writing in the first place! xx

  9. Louise Convy says:

    So was up late last night – reading your blog!!! Your fault, laugh. Got the girls (furry) up this morning gave them breakfast and then we all went back to bed…. I think I’ll need a nanny if I have a baby I’m so not as terrific as you are……..But that’s possible – if I focus and work my arse off.

    I think there is so much potential for you and your blog… it just depends how much public profile your’e prepared for and the impact of that, have you thought about it? I’m a very private person so could never do anything like that. But I think sharing your story is such a great thing to do for other mothers and single women and single mothers.

    Anyway we can talk about all of that (I’m a media specialist and journalist). I have some ideas for magazine articles you can write and how to go about it etc. And stories on you – I can get you media coverage

    Anyway I’ve achieved zip so far today, and I need to find the girls and I a new home and get new clients urgently. Time to get my life back on track!!!! Love Louise xxx

    1. We sure think so. Thanks for stopping by and for following our story too!

  10. cobyw84 says:

    I was introduced to your blog after Bianca Dye took a screen shot of it and posted it to her Instagram account! For the past 3 weeks, I have been reading every one of your posts from the beginning (and am only up to April 2012) and love it all.

    I feel like I know you and your little family – is that creepy?! – and hope you continue blogging for a while 🙂

    Bubba is such a little treat. She sounds like a real character and is just such a cutie!


    Coby x

    1. Hi Coby!
      Thank you so much – I had no idea until right this moment that she’d done that. Of course, now I’ve found the pic and commented on her Instagram. Love it. Love that I’ve inspired her and love that you have joined our bumpy ride. I absolutely love writing and plan to continue to write until I’ve no more words. Should be a while.
      Thank you again for sharing and for your compliments about the blog and Bubba. She really is the best thing EVER!
      Mumma x

  11. Suz says:

    LolHi, just read your posting for the first time tonight ( as I usually don’t read blogs, let alone respond)…but found it in the rabbit hole I was traveling as I search for answers to my sons health issue, as I have been for 10 months now (10 Dr’s, 3 major hospitals – no answers). Clearly I should reach out more as it is comforting to know someone else is traveling a similar bumpy road. I lost my two girls (4 leg type) prior to my amazing son, I have just returned to the US after 4 years. It’s a bumpy ride for sure, and if Santa brings you a man could you please ask that he stop by my house with a good one as well…I DID sa. y good one. Anyway, perhaps I will get the opportunity to read more of your blog in the middle of the night tomorrow…where do you find time??

    1. Thank you so much for visiting, and for taking the time to comment. I make the time (like we do for everything when we’re mummas!) because I really enjoy writing and I love that our story is being told. I hope it inspires and I hope that one day Bubba is proud of me for it. I’ll let Santa know about your request for a good man – there must be a few of them left right? I also hope that you find answers to your son’s health issues. Not knowing what’s wrong is the worst kind of worry I think. Have you looked at alternatives to western medicine and opinion? I’m sure you’ve left no stone unturned and hope everything is okay again soon. I can’t bear to think about life without my 4-legged loves. Maybe that’s what your son needs? A fuzzy sibling 😉 x

  12. I have been following your blog for a while, and I just wanted to let you know how much I admire you. I am going some difficult stuff in my personal like at the moment, but reading your blog has really inspired me! Thank you!!

    Bubba is lovely, and I am in no doubt of the confident young compassionate woman she will turn into. With you as a Mumma she won’t be anything else!

    1. Thank you so much for sharing our story, and for taking the time to comment. She is lovely, I am an incredibly lucky mumma. I hope the sun shines for you soon, some days {weeks/months} life is tough. But it’s so worth it! x

  13. Hey there! Just discovered your blog via your easy fudge recipe – yum!! Great about page. Random acts of kindness are so cool!! I hope your prince charming finds you soon too! Celeste 🙂

    1. Thanks for stopping by and sharing our story! That fudge is wicked{ly good}.

  14. Every time I read blogs like this, I believe the world is such a wonderful place to live.

    Bubba should be made of Sugar, spice and everything nice and the mystery ingredient called Chemical Mumma (an adaptation of Powerpuff girl’s opening line).

    Wish you and your children a really happy and long life. If I may suggest, please keep your happiness in your own hands, once you look to give it to someone else, you will be gambling with your happiness forever. I am going through that now 🙂

    1. Aw, thanks – that’s a lovely compliment. Don’t worry, I”ll never give control of my happiness to anyone else!

  15. curlyheadedsheila says:

    I just found your blog. I’m 28 and single and, despite the wonders of internet dating, I’ve been considering bringing my “Back-Up-Plan” forward. Similar to what you’ve said, I had this idea that if I was still single at 35 then I’d go it alone.
    But recently I’ve seen a colleague of my mum do it and I’ve been considering whether or not it is worth “waiting”. Not saying I’m going to rush into an IVF clinic next week, but the experiences I’ve had with dating recently are making me seriously rethink things. Like you, I’ve always wanted to be a mum. And I want my mum to be a Grandma and, if at all possible, my Grandma to be a Great-Grandma. My parents are separated so I come ready with two families. But finding the right partner doesn’t seem to be happening.
    I’ve now read some things about waiting lists and have actually sent an enquiry to an IVF clinic and looked into a site called DIY Baby. Maybe I’ll make this my 30th birthday present…
    Congratulations with everything you’ve achieved and your success at motherhood. I know it isn’t always happy or even nice, but you are an inspiration to people like me that we can do this.
    Thanks 🙂

    1. Hi! Thanks so much for sharing our story. I’m always extra happy when someone finds my blog for the exact reason I started writing it, and finds some inspiration in what I’ve shared. I have a whole other book to write on online dating 😉 I was only saying to a girlfriend yesterday that I really hope {if she wants to of course} that Love Bug has a bubba so I get to be a grandma. Obviously not in any hurry but just think it would be wonderful. You’re super lucky to still have a grandma! There are a few books worth reading – ones that I read while I was in Bali trying to make my ultimate decision: Knock Yourself Up and Choosing You are two that come to mind. Not sure where you are in the world, but if you happen to be in Australia/NSW I can highly recommend the clinic I went to. Keep me posted re your decision/story. I’m so appreciative that we live in a world and a time where we don’t have to miss out on being mummas just because Prince Charming is currently MIA! Have a fabulous day!

      1. I’m in Australia, but Victoria. Thanks for the book suggestions!
        I had a chat with a Melbourne based clinic today, just to get more of an idea of cost and process. They suggested organising an appointment with a fertility specialist who would give me more idea of what is involved.
        I’ll keep you posted! 🙂

  16. Sasha says:

    I have really enjoyed reading your blog. You are one strong woman and many can find strength and encouragement through your words!

  17. Roo says:

    Hello there,
    Just a quick note to tell you I’ve been following your blog for 6 months or so, having decided to look at single IUI or adoption almost 2 years ago. Much charting, temping, and monitoring of ovulation followed…. I’ve been using donor sperm at home, and only tried 6 or so times during this – for financial and health reasons, since I decided to go on a diet and lose 60lbs half way along! All for the good. Anyway, this week I got my bfp 🙂 Last month I had registered with a clinic and was planning on ‘official’ IUI next month, so this was an at home swan song – don’t you love it?! While only 4 weeks pregnant right now, I’m trying to keep calm but enjoy it too! Thanks for such an inspiring and honest peek into the life of a single mum, a donor conceived little love bug, and two dogs so patient I can only hope mine take note. Praying my little bean sticks around, I don’t know whether I’ll be Team Pink or Team Blue, but I do know my bug will be just as cherished.
    Much love, Roo xx

    1. Oh I love reading stories like yours Roo! So exciting to be where you are now {although I’m hoping for your sake your morning sickness hasn’t already started and doesn’t last the whole pregnancy}. Good for you putting your health first though … you’ll need all the energy you can muster. Please keep me posted, I’d love to hear how you are going as your pregnancy progresses. I was saying to someone earlier this weekend who is trying for a bubba that it’s really important to celebrate each little milestone – even if things don’t go to plan. I looked at it a little like a hurdle race and would cheer for myself at each hurdle. Positive happy thoughts to you and your bean. xox

      1. Roo says:

        Well, sadly Bean stopped growing at 8 weeks, picked up on a 9 week scan. So a week ago, I underwent a D&C, and am now brushing myself off and trying to stop crying! It’s hard not to think how far along I should be all the time. Plus in a weirdly competitive way I feel like I’ve wasted a chunk of time, though who I’m racing I couldn’t say.
        So, I didn’t want to depress you, but equally I think it’s important to be realistic about (missed) miscarriage levels. It seems to be something massively common – some doctors say 1/4 pregnancies end this way – yet very few people talk about it.
        Anyway, in a couple of months when I’m stronger, I may get back on the horse. That is if I can face ovulation tests, charting, temping, argh! I had been looking forward to not having to do that whole rigmarole for a while….
        So extra cuddles tonight for me please! Hopefully one day I’ll be able to snuggle with my own.
        Roo xx

  18. Oh honey I’m so sorry to read that. It is a hard awful thing to go through and so difficult to not feel like you’re the only one in the world going through it. Sending you a big virtual hug. xox

      1. Roo says:

        Thanks for that – beautiful post; it just seems so unfair to be in the heartbroken minority. All mummas do indeed need to take a moment to be thankful…. One day I’ll be among them 🙂

      2. You absolutely will. I am after heartbreak too 🙂 x

  19. Ina Library says:

    Beautiful introduction! You have a great energy. I’m looking forward to reading more from your blog! I, too, believe in at least one kindness a day and I’m so happy to find a mom like you who shares this beautiful value.

    1. Aw, thank you … I love it when someone picks up good energy! Teaching our children kindness is the only way we’re going to fix this broken planet.

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