Grandpa just wanted to say hello

Every time I’ve moved house, at some point in the first month or so I get some sort of sign from my daddy. Half of you will probably stop reading at this point, but I’m entirely sure of it. I think it’s just his way of letting me know he’s with me and he knows where I am, no matter how many times I move house!

It happened again this morning.

Love Bug likes to pick up the phone on my bedside table and have a chat. Most of the time when I ask her, she’s talking to grandma, sometimes her aunty. This morning I thought I heard her say hello grandpa so I asked who was on the phone. I’m talking to grandpa mumma. Grandpa? I asked again, surprised because he’s never been on the phone before. She nodded and pointed to this photo of my daddy and me.

hello grandpa

She told him she was in my bedroom with Bella and Beary and that she was about to go to kindy and I was going to work. When she hung up I asked what else she’d talked to him about.

Grandpa just wanted to say hello.

9 Comments Add yours

  1. Nikki says:

    That is so beautiful ❤ .. and wow, i thought that the girl in the pic was lovebug initially lol she is your doppelganger, how proud her grandpa must be!

  2. Belinda says:

    Spine tingling & I totally believe you. Hugs xoxo

  3. Margaret Beirne says:

    I’ve no doubt at all that “Grandpa just wanted to say hello”! Love you too. Aunty Marg. xxoo

    Sent from my iPhone

  4. Bongo says:

    This is such a sweet story. And Bubba sure looks a lot like you when you were little.

  5. Amanda says:

    MJ, this just made me cry. In the office! How beautiful!

  6. Totally believe this can happen! Love this!! You and Love Bug are very blessed x

  7. Wow! I love this. Good to know he’s keeping track of you and popping by like always.

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